Work health and safety act 2011 pdf qld

Local versions of this guide may also be available at each work health and safety regulators website. The work health and safety and other legislation amendment bill 2015 qld the bill was read for the first time by the hon. 5 notice of variation of codes of practice, and of making of instrument varying codes of practiceact, s 2744. Effective, files/formats, version, published, notes. Government, along with other states and territories, to harmonise work health and safety legislation formerly. Work health and safety regulation 2011 effective: 01/02/21 contents 1. The queensland human rights commission deals with complaints made under the anti-discrimination act 11 qld. Drivers are required to act accordingly, and to follow your agencys whs policies and procedures. 463 2017 to comply with the work health and safety act 2011 qld and the work health and safety. It is not intended to be read in place of the whs act. It also requires workplaces to: provide adequate and accessible facilities that are in good working order, clean and safe. Bullying under the qld workplace health under the work health and safety act 2011, workplace health and safety queensland can deal with bullying workplace harassment where a person. Queensland work health and safety act 2011 current as at 14 september 2020. Maintaining a role for a trained safety advisor within a business or undertaking will. Meaning of person conducting a business or undertaking 6. The work health and safety act 2011 qld places duties on both the department and the contractor or the contractors employer to protect the safety of workers and others who undertake work for, or at, departmental workplaces. Explain relevant provisions of whs legislation and codes of practice.

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Object division 3 - interpretation subdivision 1 - definitions 4. This guide provides an overview of the work health and safety act whs act. The work health and safety act 2011 qld which provides a framework for managing health and safety risks in queensland workplaces. Act 2011, workplace health and safety queensland sees advantages for. Queensland work health and safety regulation 2011 subordinate legislation 2011 no. Queensland health is committed to ensuring and improving the health, safety and wellbeing of its workers. Western australia is in the process of introducing the vast majority of the model act, with the work health and safety bill, 2014. It outlines what you must do to protect the health, safety and welfare of workers and other people in a place of work. The provisions displayed in this version of the legislation have all commenced. Queensland work health and safety regulation 2011 current as at 1 july 2021. D the occupational safety and health act 184 of western. The work health and safety act adopted in each state and territory differ slightly, however the terms of the officers liability under the relevant state and territory legislation is identical to that under section 27 of the national model work health and safety act and the work health and safety act 2011 cth whs act. It is designed to help people understand their health and safety duties and rights in the workplace. Work health and safety codes of practice notice 2011 page 4 current as at 1 july 2021 authorised by the parliamentary counsel 2 expires, under section 2744c of the act, 5 years after its commencement date. A complaint to workplace health and safety queensland, or apply to the fair work commission to stop the bullying. The current version, dated december 201, includes all amendments made since 2011. 467 In developing this resource we have referred to legislation and regulations, sought advice from professional organisations and reviewed contemporary research.

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Work health and safety act 2011 effective: 07/0/20 contents 1. C the work health and safety act 2011 of queensland. 1 part 2a of the work health and safety act 2011 qld. Queensland, south australia, tasmania and the commonwealth. Work health and safety duties all workers have a duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and ensure they dont adversely affect that of others. How to manage work health and safety risks: code of practice 2011 pdf. It also puts legal obligations, or duties, on you and your workers. Equivalent or higher standard of work health and safety to the standard required in the code. Uncommenced amendments by work health and safety amendment act 2021. 93 Keeping workplaces safe, clean and healthy and other covid-1 related news from workplace health and safety queensland. Whs act has been amended since its publication in 2011. Whs laws in australia represented a watershed moment in the development.

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O discharging their due diligence duties under the work health and safety act 2011. Transitional provisions for rail safety national law queensland. It is designed to help people generally understand their health and safety duties and rights at work. Work health and safety act 2011 - as at 22 september 2020 - act 18 of 2011 table of provisions long title part 1 - preliminary division 1 - introduction 1. In 2011, safe work australia developed a single set of whs laws to be. The fair work commission deals with applications for orders to stop workplace bullying under the fair work act 200 cth. The work health and safety act 2011 qld sets out requirements and standards for building healthy and safe workplaces. When driving a queensland government vehicle you must drive. 280 Act 2011 qld work health and safety regulation 2011 qld whs laws. The duties employees workers have under the 2004 act are basically the. Hazards facilities under a single whs act will align queensland with other. Work health and safety act 2011, queensland health has a primary duty of care towards employees and others who may be present at the workplace including contractors, service providers, clients and visitors. Duties under the work health and safety act 2011 queensland. Find out more about work health and safety in queensland. This guide provides an overview of the queensland work health and safety act 2011 whs act. The work health and safety act 2011 the whs act imposes a.

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Provisions linked to health and safety duties in act. Act that could be adopted in all jurisdictions by december 2011. This means they must be fit and well enough to do their job, not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or use alcohol or illegal drugs while at work. 2 work health and safety and other legislation amendment act 2017 qld. An offence of industrial manslaughter for pcbus and senior officers of pcbus where the pcbu or senior officer negligently causes the death of a worker. What are my health and safety duties? The work health and safety act 2011. Pdf versions of this legislation produced from 23 september 2013. Victoria, for example, first adopted modern occupational health and safety ohs legislation through the occupational health and safety act 185. The work health and safety regulation 2011 qld requires workplaces to manage health and safety risks, including occupational infection risks. 529 0003/58170/manage-whs-risks-cop the how to manage work health and safety risks code of practice provides practical guidance for persons who have duties under the whs act and. The amendment act amended the work health and safety act 2011 whs act, electrical. Under the work health and safety act 2011 a vehicle used for the purpose of work is classified as a workplace. For the health and safety of others who may affected by their acts or omissions. Comcare administers the commonwealth work health and safety act 2011 and work health and safety regulations 2011 and is the national regulator for work health and safety. Covid-1 work health and safety hotline 1300 005 018.

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Current version for 27 october 2020 to date accessed 5 september 2021 at 17:00. In line with the work health and safety act 2011 qld and the work health and safety regulation. Communication, consultation, instruction, training and supervision. This policy applies to all gallery staff regardless of their employment status. Work health and safety act 2011 - sect 1 primary duty of care 1 primary duty of care 1 a person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of a workers engaged, or caused to be engaged by the person; and. Work health administration act 2011 nt queensland work health and safety act 2011 qld work health and safety regulation 2011 qld work health and safety codes of practice notice 2011 qld south australia work health and safety act 2012 sa work health and safety regulations 2012 sa. Queensland work health and safety regulation 2011 contents page chapter 1 preliminary part 1. Interpretive guidelinework health and safety act 2011 qld workplace entry by work health and safety entry permit holders. 868 Worksafe queensland deals with workplace bullying complaints made under the work health and safety act 2011 qld. Minimise risk to health and safety, where health is both physical and psychological. Under the whs act 2011, workplace health and safety queensland sees advantages for businesses and undertakings in retaining a trained safety advisor to assist an officer to satisfy their due diligence obligations. Providing a safe workplace and safe systems of work to minimise the risk of employees and. 240 made under the building act 175 child employment act 2006 coal mining safety and health act 1 explosives act 1 forensic disability act 2011 health act 137 mining and quarrying safety and health act 1 petroleum and gas production and safety act 2004. Any public service employees employed in the department undertaking work relevant to the whs prosecutors functions under the act. The work health and safety act 2011 qld provides for the safety, health and welfare of persons at work in queensland. However, this guide is not intended to be read in place of the whs act.

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The work health and safety act 2011 the whs act outlines the general health and safety duties of pcbus, officers of companies, unincorporated associations, government departments and public authorities including local governments, workers and other people at a workplace. Comcare administers the commonwealth work health and safety act 2011 and work health and safety regulations 2011 and is the national regulator for work. The workplace health and safety procedures have been developed to assist and. Section 231 of the work health and safety act 2011 including in relation to the safety in recreational water. The commencement of the new work health and safety act 2011 in january 2012, repeals the workplace health and safety act 15 qld and. 740 Read safety, health and wellness culture: a guide for uq leaders pdf. Road safety is a shared responsibility and we all have a role to play in keeping ourselves and others safe on the road. Reflect the requirements of the work health and safety act 2011 qld. Provide practical information on how you can meet the requirements in the act and regulations. Authorised by the act parliamentary counselalso accessible at.

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This is a compilation of the work health and safety act 2011 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 20 september 2017 the compilation. The exception is victoria, where the government has stated that it will not be joining the harmonised model so. Work health and safety act 2011 the act, this guideline is issued to: a. Safety act 2002 es act and the safety in recreational water. It is anticipated that the national scheme will commence on. Amendments to the model whs laws do not automatically apply in a jurisdiction. This includes meeting the requirements of the work health and safety act. Regulation 2011 hence requires a pcbu to document why higher order controls such as edge protection were not used workplace. On commencement, the qld whs act will repeal the workplace. Work health and safety national uniform legislation act 2011. Subsidised infection control training to support customer-facing businesses, including retail, food-handling and transport and logistics. Some key differences to other harmonised jurisdictions include. This brief guide outlines the main features of the new work health and safety act 2011. This includes complying with the work health and safety act 2011, the work health and safety regulation 2011, codes of practice. Requirements of the workplace health and safety act 2011 whs act. 964 This guide provides an overview of the queensland work health and. Work health and safety act 2011 passed by parliament to commence 1 january 2012. Definitions subdivision 2 - other important terms 5.